Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Funny stuff this Friday

I'm going down to Sarasota this Friday night to see my favorite stand-up comedian, Brian Regan, live in concert. I've seen him live once before (last year at Lakeland), have his CD and try to catch him any time Comedy Central airs one of his specials. Even if you've seen his stuff before, it's still funny when you see him do it again. In fact, what's become a regular occurence at his shows is after he wraps up the night with his current material, audience members call out their favorite older bits and he runs through them. Regan refers to this as "comedy jukebox". Amazingly, he works 100% clean. No swear words, no routines that cause audience members to squirm. Not that there's anything wrong with that kind of comedy (my all-time favorite comedian is still Richard Pryor, the undisputed heavyweight champion of inducing squirms and spitting profanity everywhere), it's just that Regan can be funny without doing it so he doesn't do it.
Anyway, it should be a fun night. I lived in Sarasota for about ten years and haven't been back in a while so I'm looking forward to that part of the evening as well. If you're going to be in the area and you want to meet at Caragiulo's or Patrick's after the show, let me know and I will see you there.

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