Monday, December 15, 2008

Okay, so EVERYTHING didn't happen Friday night...

My prediction as to what might occur at the David Byrne concert at Tampa Theatre last Friday night was a little off the mark and my expectations weren't met...they were exceeded.
The show was incredible, maybe the best I've ever seen. He did plenty of new stuff (and now I have to go buy the album) and more than enough Talking Heads material to satisfy those who were just there to see that. He didn't do my favorite TH song ("Naive Melody") but the show was so good, only a glutton would complain about what wasn't in it.
Byrne is one of a very, very small handful of popular musicians to whom you can attach the title of "artist" without sarcasm or making yourself gag a little bit so you never know what he's going to throw at you. His art is always playful and not intimidating. He keeps you on your toes, but in a nice way. Such was the case at Tampa Theatre. I'd heard there would be dancers and I didn't know how that was going to work, but they definitely contributed to the overall presentation. This was a show I'd go see over and over again if I had the opportunity.
Since blogs are an exercise in self indulgence and I didn't get to see Naive Melody live, here's a performance of it from 2004. Enjoy!


  1. Anonymous10:12 PM

    But aren't you sad that you didn't get a chance to meet one of your heroes?

  2. No. The thrill of meeting one of your heroes is always tempered with the threat, however small, that they might say something like, "I think that game show with the briefcases is the best thing on television".
