Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Six pack of new blogs

Here are some new blogs to check out (links also included in the table to the right):

Out in left field - Liberal politics from Catherine Durkin Robinson
(Self) Description: "Where parenting and politics meet, but don't always play nice."

The State of Sunshine - From the right, Jim Johnson
(Self) Description: "An irregular review of politics in the Sunshine State."

Smitty Johnson - And from out of nowhere, it's Smitty Johnson. (WARNING: Rampant, unnecessary profanity)
(Self) Description: "The real life adventures of a guy"

Historic Theatres in Tampa - A unique slice of Tampa history
(Self) Description: "This site was created to help connect Tampa's historic theatres to the people who have enjoyed them over the years."

Boltsmag - Feed your hockey fix
(Self) Description: "Weblog devoted to the Tampa Bay Lightning, the NHL and Tampa Bay sports"

Re/Creating Tampa - David Davisson's look at food, green issues, and urban design in Tampa
(Self) Description: "A blog about Tampa and beyond covering food, movies, books, politics, and the internet."


  1. wow, ancient screenshot of the 'Mag. Ok, last year, but it's still old. ;)

    Thanks for the hat tip, Clark.

  2. You're welcome, JPF. That's the screenshot that shows up on Facebook, just so you know.

  3. Well craptastic. Guess I need to re-subscribe to the blog networking app so I can fix that.
