Friday, January 09, 2009

All right, Marissa. I'll play your game.

Meme's are not normally something that appeal to me me. But I was tagged to participate in this one by Marissa, and in the spirit of being a good sport, I'll go ahead and do so...reserving the right to alter any and all rules and parameters at any time and in any way for any reason I deem fit. I think that is excessively fair in my favor. So without further ado-do, here's a meme called:

Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you (Note: I'm not tagging anyone. See the caveat above. Believe me, I'm far more interested in learning things about you than I am in teaching you anything about me.)
  1. I have never tried to wear contact lenses but I'm sure I wouldn't like them.
  2. I have seen far too many movies that feature the destructive power of lasers to ever consider letting a doctor aim one into my eyeballs.
  3. I just like wearing glasses, okay?
  4. I like hats.
  5. I am extremely good at holding grudges.
  6. I appreciate the unique opportunity to experience being a racial minority by growing up in Benton Harbor, Michigan.
  7. I am a pretty good cook.
  8. I have never been west of St. Louis, Missouri.
  9. I am unmercifully self-critical.
  10. I would rather eat chicken or fish than steak any day of the week.
  11. I am jealous of people who had great, life-changing relationships with school teachers when they were kids.
  12. I wanted to grow up to be John Lennon when I was a teenager.
  13. I would be living in Frankfurt, Germany if not for strict U.S. Army outprocessing policies.
  14. I like hockey 100X more now that I live in Florida than I did when I lived up north.
  15. I am not comfortable writing sentences that start with "I".
  16. I refuse to reveal more than 15 things about myself in one sitting.

1 comment:

  1. OK, so I'm really slow on the draw and behind on reading. Thank you for doing this. Thank you even more for continuing to wear specatacles and allowing me a livelihood.
