Thursday, March 26, 2009

The final pitch

Okay folks, Relay starts on Friday night (well, probably around 4:00PM or so) but this is it; the big event is here!! This is the last desperate plea for contributions. A dollar, two dollars, anything and everything, whatever you feel like you can give. It's all appreciated. Here's the link where you can make your secure donation today (or tomorrow or the next pressure).

PS: No wireless access available in the middle of the Greco Middle School football field (go figure!) so no live blogging, but I'll be maintaining a sort of diary which I'll publish after the fact. Cool?

PPS: Have I even invited you to come out and visit? I haven't, have I! Where are my manners?!? By all means, come out to Greco Middle School in Temple Terrace (it's on Fowler, west of 56th street) and see us! There are actually lots of fun activities and plenty of great food to enjoy. Seriously, if it sucked, I wouldn't plug it. You should definitely come out if you can. I hope to see you there.

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