Sunday, March 29, 2009

Relay wrap-up, 2009

The 2009 Temple Terrace Relay For Life is history (sort of; more on that below) and we helped raise over $130,000 to fight cancer. Thank you to everyone who contributed!

Sorry, I know I promised a detailed event summary, but no new ground was covered. At least anything with entertainment value. We celebrated, we remembered and we fought back...which is all that matters.

Now, here's good news for those of you wanted to contribute but never got around to it (or bad news for those who thought I'd shut up about it): the books aren't closing on the event until July. So you can still make your secure online donations right here. There's also a semi-permanent link posted in the sidebar over there on the right that will remain on this site until the books are finally closed out this summer (hint: Tax return!).

Thanks again!!

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