Friday, June 26, 2009

Venting on the day that was

I'm recycling some of this material that I posted earlier on Facebook so I apologize if it's redundant. Just need to get some stuff off my chest and there's no sense in re-writing something I already wrote, just because I wrote it elsewhere, right?

REGARDING THE DEATH OF FARRAH FAWCETT: I was very sad to hear about the passing of Farrah Fawcett, mostly because of the way the celebrity media industry ultimately deprived her and her loved ones of dignity and peace. Perez Hilton, TMZ, Extra, Entertainment Tonight, People and Us magazines and on a local level, TBT's "The Juice*" (don't bother scrolling down for an explanation of the asterisk; it's a pointless affectation, much like the column itself) among many, many others are parasitic scavengers who stalked Ms. Fawcett and documented her suffering for the expressed purpose of pitching advertising to people who would be entertained by such a spectacle. It's not always death and disease (although that's good stuff to them), it's anything that can be exploited for money. This is how they make their living. Isn't that nice?
I've given up on these institutions and the people who comprise them whose actions and beliefs are motivated by greed and profiting at the expense of others. These are people who've chosen their God, or whatever you want to call it, and will do whatever it takes to serve that deity.
However, I hold out hope that those who believe in and strive to be something more, or are at least capable of acknowledging basic humanity, will recognize these institutions for what they are and stop feeding them.

REGARDING THE DEATH OF MICHAEL JACKSON: The well documented eccentric and inappropriate behavior exhibited by Jackson precludes me from saying I was a fan of his. However, I recognize that he was a talented performer and that many people all over the world were very, very fond of him and that those people are in pain right now. I can think of absolutely nothing to be gained at this time by me stating my objections and criticisms of how he chose to conduct himself while he was alive, other than to cause more pain for those who mourn his passing.
Am I missing something?
Because that's not stopping people from doing just that. Why? I need to know what some of you people are thinking. What is the point? What do you hope to accomplish? You're not going to get Micheal Jackson to apologize. You're not going to change his fans' minds. And if there is no point, how miserable do you have to be to want to aggravate another human being who is in pain...just for kicks? Talk about some perverted behavior... Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with some of you people?