Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Pardon my absence please

Sorry I haven't been around much lately. I've been doing some stuff, some of which has been a lot of fun, some of which has been unpleasant and some of which could result in exciting news (for me, at least) in the very near future. Also, I have been writing for a couple of other sites (and earning a wee bit of extra scratch in the process! Hey, this being a professional writer stuff is kinda fun!) and there's only so much time in a day and so much typity-type-type in my sausagey fingers. Things should get back to normal soon and I'll get back to padding the big, dumb ol' purple blog with some arbitrary silliness. In the meantime, if you must know what else I've been working on...


  1. Wow! Getting money to write? I wanna do that.

    At the fair, did you consume a deep fried Oreo? Deep fried Pepsi?

  2. You can get paid for blogging?
