Friday, September 25, 2015

A celebratory sale!

In an effort to express my appreciation for being selected as Creative Loafing's 2015 Readers Choice award winner for BEST BOOK BY A LOCAL AUTHOR, "A Ridiculously Inconsistent Treasury" will be on sale for just $8 (that's the minimum list price established by the publisher) for the next 25 days, in honor of Creative Loafing's Best of the Bay Awards 25th Anniversary.
Now officially an award-winning book!

"Brooks' content and style put him easily in a class with great story tellers like David Sedaris and Jean Shepherd." - PW Fenton
"If you like slightly warped views on the world, you will absolutely love this book." - 'Girl Next Door'
"This book is not funny. It's hilarious." - Alexandra Ackerman
"This is not a good project at all." - Susan Edwards, Hillsborough County Arts Council
"It's definitely fun" - Frankie Styles
"You've written some funny shit!" - Vivienne Brown
"It's eight bucks, for a limited time." - Me
Just click this link to order it from the CreateSpace store, or this one to order it from Amazon (WARNING: It might take a day or two for the discount to show up there, because computers are dumb. Check back or just go through CreateSpace because it's already live there.)

This is me saying Thank You for the award. This is also me trying to move some merch.

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