Thursday, October 05, 2017

Drag yourself to this show!

Sunday night, I'll be competing in the Wigs and Wit Showdown at Punky's in St. Petersburg
"Join us every second Sunday of the month for this unique style competition. 3 comics. 3 drag queens. Comedy, lip syncing, hilarity.
Get dinner, stick around and watch the best new gig in town.
3 comics will do 10 min sets, and the 3 drag queens will judge each set 1-10. Each drag queen will perform and the comics will judge their performance 1-10.
The top comic vs top drag queen square off as the comic lip sings and the queen does a 5 min set! Winner takes home $100"

The concept was dreamed up by my buddy Jeff Klein and I think it's a genius idea. I've been dying to be part of it since he came up with it and I finally get my chance this Sunday. Win or lose, I just can't see how this won't be a totally fun night. Plus, I've never been to Punky's but I hear the food is good.

The other comics will be Travis Pickett and Kevin Taylor and the queens will be Stephanie Stuart, Alexis DeHaven and Omahyra Murad.

Come on out, if you can. This is as close as you can get to a guaranteed good time.
Sunday, October 8 - 7PM
3063 Central Ave. St. Petersburg

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