Wednesday, March 31, 2010

2010 Relay For Life

This year's Temple Terrace Relay For Life was held last Friday and Saturday and I participated once again as a member of Team Daddy-O Alley Katz. The event raised $77,640.38 of which our team raised $6,627 (so can still give) in the fight against cancer. As for me, I raised $626.83, which fell short of my goal of $1,000...however, that's after I doubled it from $250 and then doubled it again to $500, so that's okay. And like I said, you can still give.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who sent donations to me. These people are heroes:

I also want to thank my teammates, mostly for tolerating me and my bullshit and allowing me to be a part of something great.

And most of all, if your name is on our t-shirt (above), I especially want to thank you, because it's in your honor that we do what we do. Thank you for being an inspiration.

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