Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Let's get Shorty!

"I don't care to win awards" - Prince
"Lost causes are the only ones worth fighting for" - Clarence Darrow

Those two quotes are philosophies I honestly believe in and try my best to live by. Sure, I've campaigned for awards before but that was just for fun. I do what I do and honestly don't care if somebody thinks it should be commemorated with an award or not. However, my pal and Raw Charge editor John Fontana has nominated me for a Shorty Award, which "honors the best in social media". John nominated me for, in his words, "fantastic writing on multiple sites; humorous, entertaining, awesome". He's talking about my coverage of the Tampa Bay Lightning at Raw Charge, the stuff you find here on the purple blog and profound wisdom nuggets like these on Twitter:

"It's nice to know that the girl I'm going to ruin when I have my mid-life crisis is probably in high school by now."

"I can't figure out how to buy one of those grocery check-out separator bars."

"Having cleaned my crock pot, I now feel like I can accomplish anything! Well, good night everybody."

Naturally, I don't believe there's even a slight chance of winning. And because of that, I can't think of a valid reason not to try. And so, here is my official plea to you to please vote for me to win a Shorty award. In doing so, you'll join the following luminaries who have already pitched in...

Jeff Hickmott ‏(@jeffie2k) I nominate @clarkbrooks for a Shorty Award in #blogger because...the ladies love him. Oh, and he writes stuff.

Raw Charge (‏@RawCharge) I nominate @clarkbrooks for a shorty award in #blogger because of his engaging, entertaining approach and versatility and persistence

Tina Robinson (‏@TJ_hockeyfan426) I nominate @clarkbrooks for a Shorty Award in #blogger because...he covers Tampa Bay hockey AND he can be funny too!

Clare Austin ‏(@CAustinRC) I nominate @clarkbrooks for a Shorty Award in #blogger because he's already won the trust of our octosquid masters.

BigBadEd ‏(@BigBadEd) I nominate @clarkbrooks for a Shorty Award in #blogger because he's the Bombdiggity.

Allovimo (‏@Allovimo) I nominate @clarkbrooks for a Shorty Award in #blogger because...he's fantabulously awesome.

P.W. Fenton ‏(@pwfenton) I nominate @clarkbrooks for a Shorty Award in #blogger because... he gets pissy when he doesn't win.

LightningShout (‏@LightningShout) I nominate @clarkbrooks for a Shorty Award in #blogger because he's a few bricks shy of a load and funny as hell.

Su Ring (‏@Motley_Su) I nominate @clarkbrooks for a Shorty Award in #blogger because... he ROCKS.

Bees (‏@LoveBees) I nominate @Clarkbrooks for a Shorty Award in #blogger because he never fails to make me smile. And would much rather be a veloceraptor

John Fontana (‏@Johnny_Fonts) I nominate @Clarkbrooks for a Shorty Award in #blogger because of his fantastic writing on multiple sites; humorous, entertaining, awesome

See? We've got some momentum here. Now is the time to join in by casting your vote between now and February 18. The awards ceremony is April 7 in New York. And if we somehow manage to fall short, look how many of us can all be disappointed and bitter together!

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