Friday, October 04, 2013

Cool people out there doing cool stuff

As I make preparations to get up and running again, I'd like to dedicate this space today to some people who are already doing things that are pretty neat.

Tom Megalis, father of Nicholas, has an exhibit of original artwork opening today at Translations Art Gallery in Canton, Ohio. "CURIOSITIES: New work by Tom Megalis" will run through October 26th.

In other Megalis family news, we're still on for an interview with Nicholas, the King of all Vines, just as soon as schedules and stars (mostly schedules) align. In the meantime, his new single "Forget It in a Day" is out. Here's a link to the video. Also, his first album "Praise Be, Hype Machine" is now available on iTunes.

Believe it or not, there are people not named Megalis doing cool stuff.

This is Jacqueline Kabat and she is working on her documentary film, "Comedy Improv Can Save The World". She's using comedy improv as a means of therapy and a teaching tool. It's all based on teaching people to connect without judgment, trust and collaborate with one another. Here's a link to the site hosting her fundraising campaign where you can learn more and make a pledge. I've already made my thoughts known on how much I love these kinds of campaigns. Also, Jacqueline is someone who has said nice things to and about me, which means, naturally, she is deeply in love with me. So obviously I've already made my pledge.

Last but certainly not least, our old friend Jeremy Gloff has a new album out. Jeremy has had a hell of a lot of crap come his way this year, something to which more of us than not can relate. The result is "Inside of Blue Buildings", his 18th album and a celebration of 20 years as a professional musician. Jeremy is a good dude and he's an artist that truly puts his heart and soul into his work. Check it out for one or both of those reasons.

Jeez, I'm feeling pretty lame now. Guess this is as good a reason as any to get off my ass and do something, huh?

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