Monday, July 25, 2011

A short conversation about the honor system

"Hey look at that! It's one of those adorable little roadside fruit and vegetable stands where you pick out what you want and the owners trust you to just leave the money for it in a box or a can. I love it! It recalls a better, simpler time, a more innocent time, when we could trust and rely on the character of our neighbors, before we all became so jaded and cynical. A time when we could leave our doors unlocked and our windows open without worrying about our personal safety or our property because we weren't resigned to a society rife with dishonesty, greed and corruption. Obviously, these farmers still believe in that ideal, that which made this country great and can do so once again. There's the proof; they've worked hard to grow these delicious, fresh fruits and vegetables and they trust people to just pay money for their fair worth out of an inherent sense of honor. Well, pull over, because I need some."

"Some fresh fruit and vegetables?"

"No, some money. The can's sitting right there. Keep the motor running."


RottenMom said...

I grew up on a farm.
My parents have an adorable roadside stand.
They use the honor system and have yet to be taken advantage of.

I hope you stay out of Pennsylvania.

Clark Brooks said...

Please see next post.

RottenMom said...

You do know that I was kidding about you staying out of PA, right?

I mean, my dad owns a varmint gun, so it's all good.

Clark Brooks said...

I know but somebody else said it made them sad and I simply can NOT be screwing with karma in any way, shape or form ths week.

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