Sunday, March 08, 2009

Introducing: Clarketplace

Welcome to a brand new feature on this blog, something I'm calling Clarketplace. Here's how it will work: Every week, I'll put some arbitrary, useless and completely stupid item up for sale on Craigslist. At the end of the week, I'll post the responses I get (if any). Hilarity may or may not ensue. Here is this week's item:

Bucket of scalding hot water - $10 (Tampa)
Reply to:

Date: 2009-03-07, 7:46PM EST
For sale: 1 large (approximately 5 gallon) yellow plastic bucket full of scalding hot water. I have no idea what you would use this for (NOTE: Seller does NOT condone scalding anybody!) but if you need it and you've been looking for it, here it is. The water IS clean, but not drinkable as it is scalding hot. You can see steam coming off of it and everything. I can't guarantee how long the water is going to be as scalding hot as it is right now (trust me: ouch!) but I suppose for an extra couple of bucks I could heat it up for you. If you'd just like a yellow plastic bucket full of lukewarm water, wait a while and if someone doesn't buy it, I'll sell it to you for $5, which is a bargain because the bucket alone is pretty nice. Cash, checks, money orders all ok. FREE DELIVERY!
Location: Tampa
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interestsPostingID: 1065069035

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