Friday, July 24, 2009

Twitter Court

All right, Twitter Court is in session. Please take your seats and be quiet. As you are all aware, Twitter has become an incredibly popular social media format. With hundreds of new users every day, most of the really good names have already been claimed. The purpose of this court is to mediate and determine rightful custody of Twitter users names.
Today, we'll be determining rightful custody of the name "The_Real_Hulk". We have two parties laying claim to that particular user name, Mr. Randy Hulk of Coloma, Michigan...

RANDY HULK: Hello, Your Honor.

...and Mr. Incredible Hulk of New York City.

INCREDIBLE HULK: Bah! Hulk smash puny humans!

Why don't we begin by hearing from you, Mr. Hulk?

RANDY HULK: Me? Do you mean me? Or...okay, I'll start. Uh, my name is Randy Hulk and I'm a realtor. I use Twitter to update my clients, share info with my office and as a networking tool to meet new clients. I deserve to use the name "The Real Hulk" because Hulk actually is my name, it's Hungarian, so I actually am the real Hulk and also it's (chuckles) kind of a play on words with me being in real estate (chuckles again).

INCREDIBLE HULK (turns into Dr. Bruce Banner): Your Honor, The Incredible Hulk is my alter ego, a creature I transform into when I am angry or otherwise under stress. This is a condition directly related to my being accidentally exposed to gamma rays back in the early '60s. It's really a retelling of the classic Jekyll and Hyde, cast at the dawn of the nuclear age. It's, uh, a burden, but I've come to terms with it. Being The Incredible Hulk is what I'm best known for. Well, that and wearing purple pants.

Very compelling arguments from both of you. Any final comments you'd like to make before I render judgment?

RANDY HULK: Well, I'm a real person and my name is Hulk, so...

INCREDIBLE HULK (has turned back): Hulk smash! Hulk smash!

Judgment is for the comic book character. Case closed.

1 comment:

Marissa said...

and does Hulk Hogan go by Terry Bollea or what? :D