Friday, June 17, 2011

Cup check! (not Stanley's)

The elemental reason that people love sports is the unscripted drama. You simply never know what's going to happen. And nothing dials up the drama like a Game 7. It's the all or nothing, winner-takes-all championship defining moment. Ok, sure, you know in advance that one team is going to win and one team is going to lose, but beyond that, literally anything could happen!!
For example, if you're a Vancouver Canucks fan, you woke up Wednesday morning full of anticipation of what the day held for you. Regardless of the two possible outcomes, when you put on your black retro Canucks sweater and headed downtown, there's no possible way you had any idea your day would end like this...

And that my friends, the inability to predict with absolute certainty whether or not one's scrotum will explode, is what is beautiful about sports.

1 comment:

Ruprecht said...

And here I thought it was dropping that $12 beer when someone scored, causing instantaneous piss offedness followed by instantaneous joy of the moment.

Boy ... was I wrong. Thanks for realigning my thinking, Clark ...