Thursday, March 13, 2008

Looks like it's on...

As promised, here are the details regarding the situation I hinted about last night. I auditioned for, and was cast in, a community theatre play. Specifically, I'm playing a character named "Brewster" in Plant City Entertainment's (PCE) production of ...wait for it, wait for it... "The Beverly Hillbillies". I actually think that's funnier than any joke I could write here. I just got the word tonight which is why I didn't know if this subject would live beyond a single post. But since I'm in it now, I will blog about the experience and hopefully give you a glimpse into the exciting backstage world of small town community theatre. Had I not been cast, I'd have written a single post about how unfair the audition process was, how directors are idiots who can't recognize talent and how I was glad I didn't get the part.

I've acted in shows before, including "Barefoot In The Park, "Grease" and "Bleacher Bums". And this is actually my second go-around with PCE, having done Neil Simon's "Fools" there in 2004. I think my character was 'Fool #5' or something like that. I even won an award for that one! So I enjoy acting but the problem is, until recently my job schedule has been so overwhelmingly demanding that doing a show was simply not a possibility. But now that my schedule is under control I'm able to jump back into it and this show makes perfect sense for me to do so; any good actor sincerely dedicated to their craft will tell you that if you can't do Shakespeare, look for something with a score by Flatt & Scruggs. I auditioned for the role of Mr. Drysdale, thinking it would be fun to play an outright, over-the-top villian. But as I read the script the other night, he's not the malevolent presence I thought he was. He's more like Colonel Klink; an authority figure to be defied at all opportunities but essentially a harmless doofus. I don't remember that from watching the show but I never really was into the Beverly Hillbillies. I much preferred the surrealistic anarchy of Green Acres. I don't think it's possible to be a fan of both. Anyway, I don't know much at all about this Brewster character. I'll find out more on Monday at the first read-through. I hope he has some funny lines or a hot make out scene with Elly May.
Stay tuned...


gadzooks64 said...

I want to know how many teeth Brewster has and, related, are you a method actor?? ;)

P.S. I was a huge fan of both BH and GA.

Marissa said...

I was "enchanted operatic singing draperies." Think Carol Burnett in 'Went with the Wind' My sister was cast as the opera singing wardrobe.

I was also "Villager with a solo" in our community theatre production of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST. It was, dare I say, spectacular.

janey jay said...

Bravo Brewster! I'm dying over the fact that someone wrote a stage adaptation of the Beverly Hillbillies -- cannot wait to hear what the plot is. And whether Dash Riprock makes an appearance.

For what it's worth, I also preferred the lunacy of Green Acres (and the charm of Petticoat Junction) to the Beverly Hillbillies. But I'll still stop and watch if I catch it while channel surfing...

Clark Brooks said...

'Zooks: Brewster is one of the city folk, sophisticated, mannered and classy. So yes, I am playing against type.

'Hair: I don't doubt you were magnificient. Those are some snazzy credits you have there. My favorite role had to be 'Man with gun', one of seven parts I played in the 11th grade black history play because there weren't enough caucasian actors to fill the white people roles.

Marissa said...

"Petticoat Junction." I loved that show and "Here Come The Brides."