Oh, I'm taking a picture of that billboard so I can put it up on the internet and make fun of it.
"Oh, you takin' pictures, huh? Why don't you take my picture? Put me up on the internet."
Hi. My name is Clark and this is my blog. My intent is to entertain and I'd like this to be more than "Clark And What Pisses Him Off" (although there will definitely be some of that) so I'll be posting some short humorous fiction as well. I hope you like it. WARNING: Sometimes I will cuss. And I will also embellish facts (ie: lie) in the interest of making things funnier than they really are. Just so you know.
And I thank you for your support.
I sure would like to know what the deal is with these things. Aside from the fact that they were delicious. I figured that out on my own.
And tonight they're doing .50 hot dogs! At this point, I may stop grocery shopping and just go to baseball games.
After that, the Teddheads were quieter and a man named Larry Halstead piped up with this:
I know we're not doing a whole lot of consideration these days. It's just something to think about.
Grrr! Too much anger and sadness in the last few posts. Getting a little monotonous. Need to shake it off and re-adjust attitude and perspective.
So look what I found...
I stole this from found this at "It's Free To F", a blog authored by the mysterious MGRAND. She has lots of cool things there.
"After two consecutive bitterly negative presidential elections and many years of what was turning into a highly deflating military adventure in Iraq, the American public had reached new levels of disgust with the very concept of elections. People no longer voted for candidates they liked or were excited by; they voted against candidates they hated. At protests and marches, the ruling emotions were disgust and rage; the lack of idealism, and especially the lack of any sense of brotherhood or
comon purpose with the other side (i.e., liberals and conservatives unable to imagine a productive future with each other, or even
to see themselves as citizens of the same country), was striking."
For what it's worth, here's my list:
(NOTE: Odds of winning = a snowball's chance in hell. Some...okay, all...prizes may...okay, will...be unavailable due to various factors such as that permission was not granted, or even sought, from the people listed, the item has been sold on Craigslist or the item never existed in the first place. Honestly, you should know better by now.)
PS: Vote!