After four games...
Why you should be happy if you're a Rays fan:
- Um....well...
- The Rays have won three in a row 15 times this year and the Phillies have lost three in a row six times this year.
- It ain't over...
Why you should be nervous if you're a Rays fan:
- Duh.
Random observations:
- Phillies pitchers pwn Evan Longoria.
- All the things that have gotten the Rays this far, solid defense, good pitching and clutch hitting have disappeared.
- The umpiring in this series has been brutal for both sides.
- I still think we have a shot to win this thing. We've beaten better teams than this.
- When leaping from the Sunshine Skyway, too many people just jump blindly. This is what would be known as a rookie mistake. It's possible to survive that kind of plunge if you hit open water. The trick is to aim for one of the cement pilings below. That's the high percentage shot.
- Here's today's gratuitous beefcake shot for 'Zooks (among others):
That, ladies, is Don Zimmer fulfilling the role of slumpbuster. Sorry, but it had to be done. These are desperate times.
Unsportsman-like conduct.
Banned until end of series!
Unless, of course, you can dig up some appropriately wholesome pictures ASAP!
check out the skyway jumperpool for more info on how 'rays' fans can jump from the skyway bridge.
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